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新能源汽车2024年有望冲击 40% 的渗透率


    本网综合报道: 12 月 11 日消息,中国汽车工业协会在北京召开“2024 中国汽车市场发展预测峰会”。

  中汽数据乘用车研究室主任陈川表示,预计 2024 年汽车市场总体销量将达到 2580 万辆,同比增长 4.4%,其中乘用车增速是 3.2%,商用车增速 13%。新能源汽车明年有望冲击 40% 的渗透率。

  根据中汽协公布的 2023 年 11 月汽车工业产销数据,11 月我国新能源车销量 102.6 万辆,今年汽车产销有望创历史新高。

  其中,新能源汽车产量为 107.4 万辆,销量为 102.6 万辆,同比增幅分别为 39.2% 和 30%,市场占有率达 34.5%

中汽数据乘用车研究室主任陈川:新能源汽车明年有望冲击 40% 的渗透率


  中汽协表示,11 月汽车市场表现持续向好,汽车产量创历史新高,销量也接近 300 万辆。当月汽车产销环比同比均实现增长,乘用车延续良好态势,新能源汽车和汽车出口引领行业增长,汽车产销全年有望创造历史新高,超预期完成全年预测目标


Comprehensive report from our website: On December 11th, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers held the "2024 China Automotive Market Development Forecast Summit" in Beijing.

Chen Chuan, Director of the Passenger Car Research Office of China Automotive Data, stated that it is expected that the overall sales of the automotive market will reach 25.8 million units in 2024, a year-on-year increase of 4.4%, with a growth rate of 3.2% for passenger cars and 13% for commercial vehicles. New energy vehicles are expected to hit a penetration rate of 40% next year.

According to the production and sales data of the automotive industry released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers for November 2023, the sales of new energy vehicles in China reached 1.026 million units in November, and this year's automobile production and sales are expected to reach a historic high.

Among them, the production of new energy vehicles was 1.074 million units, with sales of 1.026 million units, a year-on-year increase of 39.2% and 30% respectively, and a market share of 34.5%.

Chen Chuan, Director of the Passenger Car Research Office of China Automotive Data, said that new energy vehicles are expected to hit a penetration rate of 40% next year
The summary data of Junfeng is as follows:

The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) stated that the automotive market continued to perform well in November, with car production reaching a historic high and sales approaching 3 million units. The month on month automobile production and sales both achieved growth compared to the same period last year, while passenger cars continued to maintain a good trend. New energy vehicles and automobile exports led the industry's growth, and automobile production and sales are expected to reach a historic high throughout the year, exceeding expectations and achieving the annual forecast target.

Junfeng Company will seize the opportunity and increase the promotion of new energy vehicles, especially in the development of overseas markets.