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挪威 2023 年电动汽车市场份额再创新高


      根据挪威公路联合会 (OFV) 的数据,2023 年挪威售出的新车中,近五分之六 (82.4%) 为纯电动汽车,高于 2022 年的 79.3%。特斯拉的市场份额也从 2022 年的 12.2% 跃升至 20.0%,进一步巩固了其领先地位。


挪威电动汽车协会负责人克里斯蒂娜・布 (Christina Bu) 表示,电动汽车在挪威市场的快速增长势头预计将持续下去。她预测,2024 年,电动汽车的市场份额可能进一步升至 95%,接近挪威议会制定的 2025 年全面停售燃油车的目标。


According to data from the Norwegian Federation of Highways (OFV), nearly six fifths (82.4%) of new cars sold in Norway in 2023 were pure electric vehicles, up from 79.3% in 2022. Tesla's market share has also jumped from 12.2% in 2022 to 20.0%, further consolidating its leading position.
The Norwegian government has been strongly supporting the development of electric vehicles and has implemented generous subsidy policies. For example, electric vehicles can exempt many traditional fuel vehicles from taxes and fees. In addition, the Norwegian government is investing heavily in the construction of charging infrastructure. These policies have greatly stimulated the sales of electric vehicles and also attracted globally renowned car companies, including Tesla, to increase their investment in the Norwegian market.
Christina Bu, the head of the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association, said that the rapid growth momentum of electric vehicles in the Norwegian market is expected to continue. She predicts that by 2024, the market share of electric vehicles may further increase to 95%, approaching the goal set by the Norwegian parliament to completely stop selling gasoline vehicles by 2025.
However, the rapid development of electric vehicles has also brought some challenges. For example, some electric vehicle owners complain about the insufficient number of public charging stations and believe that current policies are too biased towards the population who can afford electric vehicles.