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盖世汽车讯 据报道,福特汽车(Ford Motor)公司已向美国专利商标局(U.S。 Patent and Trademark Office,USPTO)申请一项新专利:电动汽车飞行充电系统( in-flight charging system)。图片来源:USPTO图片来源:USPTO

  除了能够一次为整个家庭供电数天或数周外,福特F-150 Lightning还为该汽车制造商的产品线引入了车辆对车辆充电功能,并且在理论上还能够同时为多辆电动汽车甚至自己充电。福特还在不断探索各种在旅途中为电动汽车充电的方法,例如去年7月福特就申请了扁平牵引充电方法专利。而现在,以该概念为基础,福特推出了飞行充电系统的想法。


  由于F-150 Lightning已经能够在牵引其他电动汽车的同时为其充电,因此该专利中概述的服务似乎很容易实现,使得电动汽车车主在旅途中可以很方便地为汽车充电,而无需进入充电站,并为电动汽车皮卡车主创造可能的商机。不仅如此,当电动汽车车主发现车辆没电或电量较少无法抵达目的地时,这种服务会使得充电更加便利。

Ford Motor Company has applied for a new patent with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO): an in-flight charging system for electric vehicles, according to reports. Image credit: USPTO Image credit: USPTO

In addition to being able to power an entire home for days or weeks at a time, the Ford F-150 Lightning also introduces vehicle-to-vehicle charging to the automaker's lineup, and is theoretically capable of simultaneously powering multiple EVs or even itself Charge. Ford is also constantly exploring ways to charge electric vehicles on the go, such as when Ford filed a patent for a flat-traction charging method last July. And now, building on that concept, Ford has come up with the idea of a flight charging system.

The idea is that an electric car could be charged by another car while being towed, or even just follow the car. According to the patent, electric vehicle owners can request in-flight charging, review the terms and conditions of such services before accepting, then rate the services provided, and terminate charging when complete.

Since the F-150 Lightning is already capable of charging other EVs while towing it, the service outlined in the patent appears to be easy to implement, making it easy for EV owners to charge their cars on the go without having to go to a charging station , and create possible business opportunities for electric vehicle pickup truck owners. Not only that, this service will make charging more convenient when EV owners find that their vehicles are running out of battery or unable to reach their destination.