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 本网综合信息: 3 月 20 日消息,乘联会 & 科瑞咨询联合发布 2023 年 2 月新能源汽车三电系统洞察报告,2 月新能源汽车动力电池装机量 18.4GWh,同比增长 66%,较上月增加 4.8GWh。乘联会:2月我国动力电池装车量同比增长60.4%

  IT之家从报告获悉,宁德时代占据 49.1% 的市场份额,排名第一,总装机量 8092MWh;弗迪电池装机量 5650MWh,以 21.8% 的份额排名第二。报告显示,Top10 电机配套企业合计配套量超 33.9 万辆,整体市场配套量同比增长 36.4%。比亚迪的市场表现拉动弗迪动力的增长,L8、L9 两款车型分担了蜂巢 90% 以上的份额。


  电芯方面,1-2 月方形电芯份占比 92.2%、圆柱形电芯占比 4.7%、软包电芯占比 3.1%,乘用车磷酸铁锂电芯配套份额提升至 65.2%。

Comprehensive information on this website: On March 20th, it was announced that the Passenger Car Association and Kerui Consulting jointly released the February 2023 New Energy Vehicle Three Electric System Insight Report. In February, the installed capacity of new energy vehicle power batteries was 18.4 GWh, a year-on-year increase of 66%, and an increase of 4.8 GWh compared to the previous month. Passenger Car Federation: China's power battery loading increased by 60.4% year-on-year in February
It is reported that Ningde Times occupies 49.1% of the market share, ranking first, with a total installed capacity of 8092 MWh; The installed capacity of Ford batteries is 5650 MWh, ranking second with a 21.8% share. According to the report, the total supporting capacity of Top 10 motor supporting enterprises exceeded 339000 vehicles, with the overall market supporting capacity increasing by 36.4% year-on-year. BYD's market performance has driven the growth of Foddy Power, with the L8 and L9 models sharing over 90% of the Honeycomb's share.
Passenger Car Federation: China's power battery loading increased by 60.4% year-on-year in February
In terms of battery cells, in January-February, the proportion of square battery cells accounted for 92.2%, the proportion of cylindrical battery cells accounted for 4.7%, and the proportion of soft package battery cells accounted for 3.1%. The proportion of supporting lithium iron phosphate battery cells for passenger vehicles increased to 65.2%.